Seed-Noid R7F: An Anthropomorphic Robot
The anthropomorphic robot is humanoid robot with dual arms. A robot with a shape and morphology similar to that of a human body. Our project will be based on the kinematics analysis of anthropomorphic robot (6 DOF). The forward kinematics will include the marking of joint axis. After joint axis marking, will derive the DH-Table. Through DH-table we will be able to plot it in MATLAB by making a code for it. Forward kinematics basically refers to the use of the kinematic equations of a robot to compute the position of the end-effector. The MATLAB plot will help us to determine whether our DH-Table parameters were true or not. Inverse kinematics is another part of the project where all the joint angles and offsets will be determined. It refers to process of obtaining joint angles from known coordinates of end effector.

With the advent of aging, the demand for assistive technology is increasing due to the caregiver shortage. To overcome this contradiction, the personal care robot has been developed to improve people’s independence and quality of life (QOL). Dual-arm anthropomorphic robot, which is trending to widely application in not only industry but also habitual human life, is being developed to assist and interact with people, including simple conversations, autonomous navigation, item transportation, medical care. Currently, China domestic robotic manufacturers and universities are focusing more on industrial robots and Automated Guided Vehicles relative fields. The AGVs and industrial robots with low accuracy have been mass produced by some key robotic OEMs. The rehabilitation robot is still in the initial stage, and the research challenges are mainly in the key fields of robot dynamics and dual-arm coordination. The robotic kinematics is a research hotpot, the treatment of kinematics of robot manipulators can be found in several classical robotics texts. The inverse kinematic derives from the spherical wrist is utilized. Numerical methods for the solution of the inverse kinematics problem based on iterative algorithms are proposed. But, the literature for inverse kinematics.
Overview of the Robot
Seed-Noid R7F is an anthropomorphic robot which is designed as a life-sized support scenario cobot as shown in Fig. 1, and it’s 141–170 cm in height (with a prismatic joint on its leg) and weights about 80 kg with two identical robotic arms. Moreover SeedNoid R7F is equipped with an industrial motherboard, a mini PC-based controller with Linux system, Android touch-screen tablet PC, four omni-wheels under the subbase, six ultrasonic sensors (0.02–3 m) on the subbase, two 3D cameras (in the head and chest separately), two range sensors (0.06–4 m, 120º ͂ 120º), one tele control board for controlling and communicating, two rechargeable DC 12 V/22 Ah lead batteries for the motors driving and the electronic board using.
System Architecture of the Robot
Seed-Noid R7F humanoid robot uses the open-architecture control system as the main platform based on Robot Operation System (ROS), which is a meta-operating system with the philosophy to promote code reuse against the repetitive code work among different programable robots. As an open-source programing framework, ROS has been improved by hundreds of user-contributed ROS packages in the past few years. The main characteristic of this platform is that data are transferred between modules by using inter-process communications, which makes it easy to implement a centralized topology.

The open-architecture system of the robot consists 4 layers: physical layer, physical interface layer, ROS layer and HMI layer as shown in Fig. 2. Each layer has its hardware and software frame separately. The physical layer includes the drivers, motors and sensors of the robot, and drives by the physical interface layer-an industrial programable multi-axes motherboard with IOs-which meanwhile receives information from the encoder and shapes a close-loop. The ROS layer with several advanced techniques such as RViz, MoveIt! and universal robotic description format (URDF), can be separated into four layers: communication protocol layer which provides a method to connect various modules via predefined protocol, trajectory planning layer which generate trajectory based on inverse kinematics of the robot and velocity planning mathematically by MoveIt! function, kinematics model layer which is the principal part for the kinematic controller for the forward and inverse kinematics, and dynamics model layer which is novel function for the advanced robot controlling. The Gigabyte Mini PC with ethernet ports and some other interfaces, which contributes to the ROS layer and plays an important role in the system architecture, is implemented on the basis of ROS. The parameters of kinematics and dynamics model, such as DH parameters, link mass and initial matrix etc. are configured in the URDF.
Literature Review
A literature review is basically an overview of published research on a specific topic. The literature review helps in understanding what basically the project is on which we are working. It gives us a complete image of what that project is about and what basically it offers. Different perspectives of authors are shared in research papers which helps in understanding the methodology used and brings clarity to the research we are working on. We studied different research papers so that we can broaden our knowledge in the robotics field and can contextualize our findings.
The 2011 research paper was based on bio-robotics, a surgical robot for stomach biopsy. The robot has 4 DOF. A biopsy is a medical procedure that involves taking a small sample of tissue so that it can be examined under a microscope. So for such samples a robot is used as the robot can be inserted to one of the existing tool channel of the endoscope and can play a vital role for abdominal cavity exploration and for taking biopsy.
The 2012 research paper was focused on the modeling and analysis of 6 DOF industrial based robotic arm. Modeling a robot involves study of its kinematic behavior. The most common applications of industrial robots include Spot welding, Spraying, Assembling and Manufacturing.
Industrial/field Examples.
• Automobile industries use different robots for different purposes. Like for welding, painting, assembling parts and material removal et cetera.
• Agriculture industries are also widely using robots to assist farmers and increase production rates. Examples include Blue River LettuceBot2 (attaches itself to a tractor to thin out lettuce fields as well as prevent herbicide-resistant weeds), RoBoPlant (is able to take flats of peat seedlings to separate them and plant them in optimal patterns).
Block Diagram of whole system

[1] P. M. Pathak, “Kinematic Analysis of In-Vivo Robot for Stomach Biopsy,” p. 9, 2011.
[2] H. K. R. U. I. Jamshed Iqbal, “Modeling and analysis of a 6 DOF robotic arm manipulator,” p. 306, 2012.
[3] Hindawi, “Kinematics Analysis of 6-DoF Articulated Robot with,” vol. 2021, p. 11, 2021.