“Evolution of AI: A Journey through History and Classifications”
Artificial Intelligence and its History:
In simple words AI is the technique which helps to make a machine do, what humans can do in their daily life or we can say a machine mimicking human actions. The AI includes computer enhanced learning, reasoning, and perception. AI systems are powered by algorithms, using techniques such as machine learning, deep learning and rules.

Previously, the machines that could perform calculations were considered a part of AI but now all such functionality is taken for granted as an inherent computer function. AI is continuously evolving, from performing simple tasks to mimicking a human.
Alan touring is known to be the first man to do substantial work in the field of AI. In 1935 Turing described machine consisting of a limitless memory and a scanner that moves back and forth through the memory, symbol by symbol, reading what it finds and writing further symbols. It was a “Stored Program” concept as the actions of the scanner are dictated by a program of instructions that also is stored in the memory in the form of symbols.

The earliest successful AI program was written in 1951 by Christopher Strachey. Strachey’s checkers program ran on the (Ferranti Mark I) computer at the University of Manchester, England. By the summer of 1952 this program could play a complete game of checkers at a reasonable speed. The first AI program to run in the United States also was a checkers program, written in 1952 by Arthur Samuel. A lot of work was done back in the time and still engineers, programmers & AI specialists are working to bring crazy changes into the world.
AI and its classification.
Generally, AI is classified into 3 types.
1) ANI (Artificial narrow intelligence).
2) AGI (Artificial general intelligence).
3) ASI (Artificial superintelligence).
The artificial narrow intelligence also known as weak artificial intelligence is the one scientists and programmers have achieved to the date. It is a goal oriented type of AI, in which there’s a single task to be performed by machine. Mobile features like facial recognition, speech recognition/voice assistants et cetera. Narrow AI doesn’t mimic or replicate human intelligence. Such systems can only learn or be taught to complete specific tasks.

While these machines may seem intelligent, they operate under a narrow set of constraints and limitations, which is why this type is commonly referred to as weak AI.
AGI is also known as strong AI. In this the machine can learn to mimic human actions. AI researchers and scientists have not yet fully achieved strong AI. To succeed, they would need to put a lot of effort into this. Machines would have to take experiential learning to the next level, not just improving efficiency on singular tasks, but gaining the ability to apply experiential knowledge to a wider range of different problems.

Strong AI uses a theory of mind. Theory of mind level AI is not about replication or simulation, it’s about training machines to truly understand humans. Fujitsu-built K, one of the fastest supercomputers. It is considered to be the best work in achieving strong AI but having said that it took 40 minutes to simulate a single second of neural activity.
Artificial super intelligence (ASI), is the AI that doesn’t just mimic or understand human intelligence and behavior, ASI is where machines become self-aware and surpass the capacity of human intelligence and ability. This is the top notch work to be done in the field of AI where machines learn by themselves. Such robots, systems would be better at everything we do; math, science, sports, art, medicine, hobbies, emotional relationships, everything.

The Future of AI and its consequences
Now the question of great importance arises what is the future of AI? Will we be able to make “Super intelligent robots”? Is AI dangerous?
From my point of view AI is a never ending hustle. There are hundreds of thousands of possibilities, ideas we can do by using AI. The struggle for making a complete perfect robot like human is still going on. Many researchers, institutions and scientists are working on making this perfect human like robot possible. We cannot just deny that it’s not possible because if a human can make a better machine than him then anything is possible. AI is being implemented in almost every field.
However, it’s daunting to consider a future where machines are better than humans at the very things that make us human. To some extent we can say AI is dangerous because if it’s easing the life of humans then on the other side it’s replacing humans as well especially in industries. Now let’s discuss some interesting points if AI evolved to a point where it overtakes humans.
1) Determining who is at fault if an autonomous vehicle hurts a pedestrian?
2) Will machines become super-intelligent and will humans eventually lose control?
3) What if AI crosses ethical or legal boundaries?
4) AI algorithms are powered by data, what if our privacy gets compromised?
All of these questions should be taken into account before AI overtakes humans.
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Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Evolutionary computing. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from https://www.britannica.com/technology/artificial- intelligence/Evolutionary-computing
Escott, E. (2017, October 24). What are the 3 types of ai? A guide to narrow, general, and Super Artificial Intelligence. Codebots. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from https://codebots.com/artificial-intelligence/the-3-types-of-ai-is-the-third-even-possible
Bernard Marr. (2021, July 13). What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on society? Bernard Marr. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from https://bernardmarr.com/what-is-the-impact- of-artificial-intelligence-ai-on-society/